Thursday, April 14, 2011

My vacation is speeding by

My week of vacation is speeding by way too quick. I have today and friday left of it . I have enjoyed every moment of it . Getting my hands and feet in the garden dirt has been so relaxing......even though i had to carry 2 truckloads of mulchy dirt  at first. I am adding some bags of topsoil to the new garden beds rest of this week . I will finish it all up come next payday and then get those planted. Right now i have lima beans..........snow peas......alaska peas ......corn...sunflowers and part of my tomato plants in the ground . I have so many more yummy plants to get started yet.Some I will have to wait on the corn to come up a bit as i plant to grow them up the cornstalks for support .I still have plenty to keep me busy these 2 days.
I did get a plum tree planted in the front yard this week and mulch around the lilies. Then i got all the old blackberry canes cut done on the fence by the driveway. Every 4 years or so I have to do this cause they all die out. Now the new ones will come up this summer . I found a rose bush under them all . No idea where it came from :)

I did get a chance to make up 2 batches of soap ( 6 pounds in all) Using lemon juice gave me a pleasant pale yellow color in the one batch  . I added lemon peel and yellow rose petals on top. The lemon scent didnt stay with it though .


  1. Mmmmm, soap. :) I have to try that sometime.

  2. I miss your sandalwood far my favorite soap ever!

  3. The sandalwood was great wasnt it ..........i need to buy more soap scent eventually
