Friday, December 7, 2012

I needed some new winter hats.....since i was short on money but has lots of small yarn scraps I crocheted a couple of winter hats for myself. I like how bright and colorful the turquoise strip one is..

Thatcher and i had fun the other day making him a winter coat........ he picked the fabric out of my stash . Then we had to see if the fabric would go good with his pretty eyes :) . Then is pic of him showing off his stylish coat.He is such fun when he comes to visit

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It has been a long and hard year health wise ..........i have had to learn to accept limitations and that has been a struggle the whole way ...
My loved ones have been with me the whole way ........without them I could not have done this. I am slowly getting around now with the aid of three braces and a crutch and i have accepted it best I can that this is as "mobile " as i will be ....but it sure beats a wheelchair !!! 
Thank you all for putting up with my ups and downs and the many tears I have cried ...
I LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!   

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PIctures Of Thatcher when he comes to visit .........

Thatcher brings me much joy.......i have taught him to bring my braces to me and he picks up things i drop.......i so enjoy when he visits. He even models a hat or two that i crochet.......

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More LOL kitties

I love to start my day off with the LOL Cats. Here are a few that i have found recently ......