Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Flyfishing lapquilt ..

Added sept. 6th. Finished the lapquilt. Love the way it turned out ....

The creative thoughts are flying thru my head once again . I am getting back in gear with my crafting. I ordered some orange and black oxides yesterday to make confetti lye soap with . Cant wait till it gets here.I want to make the soap with actual canned pumpkin like Bonne made and i loved so much...... I have some fly fishing upholstery fabric ordered from hancocks to make a friend a lapquilt for teaching me to fly fish. Though I am crazy for giving 34.99 yd for piece of waverly fabric . It is very elegant in design and elegance is hard to find in fabirc believe me ! I ordered 1 yd and i will use other solid color upholstery fabric for rest of the quilt .The waverly fabric will take 2 weeks to get here though. I found a vintage pc of hunting fabric on ebay to do the back part of lapquilt with. I want a different scene on each side of the quilt .This piece of hunting fabric with the black poowder rifles is a piece from 1978 . Cant wait till they get here and I can start on it ...


  1. The piece of vintage fabric is great! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

    Have a great day and do stop by for a visit when you have a moment.


  2. It is all done cept for adding the fishing fabric to it as a big panel and blanket stitching around it. Waiting for it ot get in. I hate ordereing fabric

  3. the quilt is gonna look great. i love the fabrics
