Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lapquilts in various stages

Here are the 2 I decided to try and finish up today . Spent over 4 hrs on them already... yarn tatting on them and then hand sewing the binding that I make from fabric. Least another 6 hrs work to finish them up. I havent sewn all the horses on yet......once sewn on I will be back and embroidery around the edges of them . On the full body horses I may add bridles in embbroiidery and maybe an appliqued saddle ...not sure yet ) . Both lapquilts are made with a combination of upholstery fabrics. I love the textures and patterns in the tapestry and upholstery fabrics much better than lightweight cottons...

Then here is the second one.. I still need to add more horse heads and buttons for eyes .plus the embroidery around them . I am not going for a "traditional quilt" look. Each one will be a little work of art when finished. Then will come the fun of deciding what to charge for them ......each will be least 100.00. I will get complete pics of each when i have them done


  1. Wow - I don't think I came to see the pics on these. Those are so lovely, you are truly talented!

  2. Angie..I love to make the scrap quilts..such fun!

  3. I have 2 quilts that my grandmother made us, 1 for our wedding and one just because, they are both scraps and I LOVE them. Being made with love makes them even more special.
