Monday, January 17, 2011

Fairly Productive afternoon......

My foot decided it needed an ice pack for the afternoon.So i tucked my little ice pack down inside my warm      slippers that Bonne knitted me and decided to finish up a pair of  fingerless gloves I started last night before bed. I had enough scrap yarn left to crochet a thick coffee cup coaster.I like the way the yarn matches my coffe mugs my daughter gave me several years ago. Then I had been eyeing these pink crystal beads in my stash so i decided to create a necklace for myself with them. I am not normally drawn to the softer pastel colors but these have an inner pink glow to them.I added some freshwater pearls and then soft pink faux pearls to the design . The camera couldnt catch the glow I am afraid :( 

1 comment:

  1. I am working on my 1st pair of fingerless gloves, following a pattern of course. ;) Love the coaster - hod do you do that?
