Friday, January 28, 2011

Rug hooking and stuff........

I have started working on locker hooked rugs..I am having so much fun with it all . I have decided to use fleece for the first several that i make. Fleece is as close to wool as i can get for durability . It makes a nice sturdy loop. I am finding that patterns on the fleece add a nice bit of color to the rug. Sweat shirt fabric would be another that would hold up well .

Finding the rug canvas is bit tricky. It can be expensive if purchased at a craft store. I am watching Ebay for vintage rug hooking canvas is bit more affordable that way. The rugs are time comsuming but not too expensive in cost since i am using leftover fabric pieces from other projects.
I have so many ideas for the rugs using designs are basically painting with the fabric pieces :)


  1. it is hard on the hands. I go about a foot of it and then stop for a bit ..i can see doing these and sitting in the sun this summer
