Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yay Spring !!!!!!!!!

I am so excited that warmer weather is here finally !! I spent this weekend in the yard picking up limbs off the neighbors tree and cutting down the old blackberry canes ...they sure have the thorns !! 
I think i deserve a brownie for all the work i have done :)  
If it dont rain here in bit I am gonna put the potting soil in the containers and put my peas in them . When they get big nuff I will transfer them pot and all to their garden spot.


  1. I can't wait to see your garden this year. I know you have big plans.

  2. Oooo blackberry? Do they grow new shoots every year?

  3. they grow new ones every year and then bear fruiot on the 2 yr canes ..then when the canes are 3 yrs they die i have to keep the, all cut . It got to ne a mess so i said shoot and cut it all out :)
