Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weeds and more weeds.....

I am building small areas for my salad garden crops. I have chives in one and green onions in another. Then lemon balm in another . I am using scrap lumber pieces . I need to round up some more still. I decided to move where i had started the new strawberry beds. That is the areas with the bamboo frames and plastic laid out. The frames are a broken Papa San chair frame that will work just great with it .You can see the side of the 2nd one of left of the picture .
I am getting weary of chopping 100's of weeds every day so I am going back and laying newspaper down around the rows ......then I am covering the papers with mulch and dirt. Newspaper works great ....just makes a truly UGLy garden area :) All the neighbors have maple trees which means mant thousands of maple seeds that have fallen in my yard and they all spring up and have to be pulled up... I dont use poison in my yard....but this fall I am going to have to spray for poison ivy. It has taken over so much of the fence rows

1 comment:

  1. Lookin good. I hate weeds, and grass and this ground cover my mom bought for me...ok that stuff is the worst of all. I can't even use the garden I built 3 years ago because of them.

    I didn't know about newspaper, will keep that in mind if we do decide to build new gardens. :)
