Monday, May 31, 2010

Soap yummy enough to eat ....

Here is some of the soap I made this weekend. This is the "rasberry chocolate swirl " with oatmeal on top.... I swear it smells yummy enough to is scented with rasberry and then the cocoa powder makes the swirl. I dont think i will sell any of this batch. I plan to keep for myself and my daughter and a few gifts....... I have enough lye left for maybe a smaller....2 lb batch later in the week....think I will make more of this :)


  1. Ha - here I am again and I nearly made the same comment. Hope your daughter liked it.

  2. Hey Jess !!!!!! it smells good nuff to eat :) What have ya been up to ?

  3. hey angie..i have never heard of Mackina Island Fudfe.. will have to check it out !

  4. hi angie.. ya know.. i just remember i never mailed her any !!

  5. hahaha! It's fudge made in Mackinac (mak-in-naw) Island. It really has it's own flavor. If I find the cookbook I bought on it, I'll send it to you.
