Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain and More Rain ....

Little too much rain overnight. I had just planted the corn is in the area way in back of yard.. cant see it too good in these pics .. Hope it doesnt wash my seed away :(

I love my turquoise fox necklace I made this weekend . The red beads are a red dyed agate .

This is a babyquilt i was making for a barter . Just have to tat it up and off it goes :)

These are barettes I whipped up. I cant find nice barrettes here anywhere for work. They are all cheap plastic or for kids or big funky bows..pssfft! Micheals Craft Store carries the blank silver barrettes and then add just a little bit of hot glue and some fabric or trim ....


  1. Hi Lisa - wow you do have rain. We also have been cold and rainy here. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. I just changed the name and moved it to blogger. My new address is I admired your art work. I have always wished I had learned some type of art....I guess gardening is how I try. Gloria

  2. I swear I commented on these barrettes. They remind me of the ones that were popular when I was a kid - remember the ribbons that went way past the barrette and had beads at the end. :D
