Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Touch Of Fall

Today it felt like Fall ... SO I got out my fun pumpkin that my daughter gave me few years ago ..It changes all kinds of colors :)Then this last weekend I hung the wreath she made me .. My daughter is so sweet to me :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To Make An Indian Corn Wreath ...
I discovered this delightful craft blog today.......check out how to make an indian corn wreath .She later used the water from softening the husks to dye yarn with :) I just loved reading all thru her blog..and you will too!!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

How To Make Mini Book From A Soap Wrapper              
OK .Just HOW clever is this.. I was catching up on my blog reading tonight and ran across this lovely tutorial . I make all my own artisan soap will have to see if anyone had a spare soap wrapper I can use ..

Monday, September 20, 2010

Gates and Cats :)

I caught up on the 2 new episodes of "The Gates" on is one show i want to get on dvd when it is out . I worked on a couple of cat designs while I was watching it :) The arrowhead I made before bed last night. I added a few simple wire wraps and some small turquoise and jasper mix bead I had . THen i wire wrapped  a bunch of  beads and made into cute necklaces......they are gifts  for some folk at work ..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New WIre Wrap design


Giveaway At Mod Poge Rocks.....    Wouldn't this be a great set to win?  I just love her blog . I was browsing thru the Halloween ideas and there are  lots of them I cant wait to try out. I am SO drawn to paper of all kinds ..the textures and colors that are available are numerous nowadays .. You should take the time to read thru her wont be disappointed at all

Carrot , Pumpkin and Bran muffins