Monday, September 20, 2010

Gates and Cats :)

I caught up on the 2 new episodes of "The Gates" on is one show i want to get on dvd when it is out . I worked on a couple of cat designs while I was watching it :) The arrowhead I made before bed last night. I added a few simple wire wraps and some small turquoise and jasper mix bead I had . THen i wire wrapped  a bunch of  beads and made into cute necklaces......they are gifts  for some folk at work ..


  1. Hmmm, I can see why you are having trouble parting with your designs. That first cat necklace has such an egyptian flaire, I love it!

  2. Hi Lisa!! It's been a long time no see! Life has been crazy busy, but I wanted to stop by and say "hi"--glad to see you are still creating :D

  3. HI Zan ! I take speels with it :) I had run out of supplies this summer actually and now have this great mix of stuff to create with several people have given me :)

  4. Hey angie !! It is hard :0 Sometimes i keep a piece for few weeks and see if I REALLY want it ..
