Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Use A Pressure Cooker Safely

I enjoy reading the blog ..Chicken In The Road every chance I get. I really was interested in this mornings blog about how to use a pressure cooker safely. I remember my mom using a pressure cooker all the time in the kitchen as i was growing up.  So grab a cuppa tea and take a minute to go read Suzanne's article and then stay to browse her wonderful stories and recipe sections.. The article can be found  HERE >>>>>>>  


  1. Do they still make pressure cookers? Hmmm, gonna go check it out. I'd really LOVE to learn canning too.

  2. OK, she had me at cook a chiken in 15 min! ;D

    I'm also with her on the microwave, I only use mine to cook instant oatmeal...literally that's it! lol

  3. me too..........i love meat but it is always so tough fro the cheaper cuts . I really would like to get one with my tax refund money. I use the crock pot but it takes way too long...

  4. wal mart probaly has one.....or meijer or even sears woudl have one
