Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Spring Awakening Line Of Jewelry

I have been watching my Babylon 5 dvds today and working on a few new designs that will for a group I call "Spring Awakening" .The black bead is hematite and i called it "Persophone Awakes"  It calls to me of spring breaking thru the dark and starting to blossom forth........ The white is a pearl and represents Aphrodite. I haven't named the necklace yet for it ...I need better pics of it tomorrow .All three designs will be up for sale soon as I get better pictures of them next day or so. Have to work tomorrow ..blah !


  1. Those are lovely, hematite is one of my fav stones, but I think that pearl is so lovely!

  2. I am really drawn to pearls the last few months . They are really affordable to use in my designs if i get the freshwater ones......

  3. HI! I really like the freshwater pearl design, very pretty!
