Monday, August 22, 2011

The Weekend Went By WAY Too Quick..........

The weekend went by SO quickly.......I decided Friday night that I wasn't  NOT going to do any chores all weekend and simply watch dvds and crochet !!!!!! I had a blast i gave my foot and leg a much needed break.I crocheted a fun butterfly button bracelet and several Witchy Halloween hats that I put over in my Etsy store.I am working on a fun hat that will have a steampunk ghost on it . I will get pics when i finish it up. I cut the grass after work this afternoon so i may not get much more done :(
I watched season 1 of Vampire Diaries so I would be ready to see Season 2 from Netflix here in few weeks and watched a couple of episodes of Beign  Human . Being  Human is ok ........not as good as Vampire Diaries though.
I baked cookies and the only chore I did was pick corn before the coons got it and boiled it all up.Tonight I will cut it off the cob and freeze till time to make corn puddings with it for the holidays .


  1. picking corn before the competition gets at it is more self-defense than a chore ;)

  2. are so right on that point.. They have gotten most of it so far this year

  3. I liked being human...I only saw a couple episodes, how many are available now? Never did see vampire diaries. LOVE that bracelet and the first hat should be sold together. lol
