Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am SO in love with Mod Podge . It is an essential part of my jewelry design. Here are few of the designs i wire wrapped up this week........... They are over in my etsy store for sale also.


  1. Absolutely precious, and just in time for All Hallow's Eve ;-)

  2. Thanks Magaly !! Trying to get a nice stock done up for then :) Let me know when you get ready to have an Oct giveaway and review. Would love to have you review a necklace and have one as giveaway too

  3. I'll email you as soon as I conquer my inbox monster ;-)

  4. Oh Magaly you won't regret it, I love this stuff!

    The 2nd one up is my fav on this page...and that was tricky. lol They are all sweet!
