Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vintage sewing machine photos


  1. These are fantastic. Have any vintage knitting/crochet pics?

  2. i may have a couple..will look for you and see

  3. Hi Lisa,

    I just love looking at all of the old machines. I was so glad to see you visit me. This year has flown by, hasn't it? Too fast. I went to your Etsy to look at your Witchy Hats. They are precious. You should make those year round. I have bloggy friends that celebrate Halloween all year. They also make things too but I haven't seen anyone crocheting the tiny hats. I think people would collect them.

    I'd love to trade blog buttons with you. I keep those that have my button on their sidebars on "my sidebar" instead of a hidden page. Maybe we can create one another some page visits and possibly a sale! {giggle} God, this economy is killing us! But we must keep pushing forward, right?

    Pink Sparkles,
    Steph ♥

    Let me know if you grab my button code...I'll come get yours, ok?
