Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I just cant stop crocheting :)

I have been crocheting up the stash of yarn scraps that  I had from various projects and i swear the yarn faeries replenish it each night :) 

Every fall i get hooked on crocheting one or two types  items.........this year it is Halloween Witch Hats and candle wreaths . They are perfect for using up scrap pieces of yarns and beads.. So i have been creating funky ones to wear and little cute ones for decoration. Here are a few pics of the ones i have made recently. I free-form crochet  ..which means i dont use a pattern.   

And as i was organizing my yarn i ran across  some chunky knitting needles that i wire wrapped up and turned into wands  ...........I just dont throw anything away do I ?? Instead i turn it into something else .......

1 comment:

  1. Knitting needs as wands....I am going to have to keep an eye out at the dollar store. :D
