Monday, April 22, 2013

Dogs and chicks and kitties..Oh My!!

Thatcher came to visit this weekend and then Mittens strolled over to see what I also was up to.........  So i decided to introduce the chicks :) Mittens is use to them already and she loves to curl up on top the coop and sleep by them .. Thatcher wasnt quite too sure yet :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Potholders are simple and easy

I grew up re-using items as a way of life ... very little was ever thrown away . One of the simplest and enjoyable things to make for your hose is potholders 
 I enjoy making my own potholders out of scrap fabrics or even old clothes that I have laying around from other projects. The inside padding i used is an old flannel baby blanket a friend had given me to reuse....
There are many ways to make potholders. I simply cut the squares or rectangles out and put them together with a YARN TYE ........  Most folks quilt them though ...that takes a bit more time ..

I am absolute horrible at writing directions so i thought i would share other folks ways to make potholders :) 
Quilted potholders 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thatcher brightens my day ..........

Thatcher came to keep me company a couple of nights.....  
I so enjoy when he visits .. He sleeps tucked under the cover next to me and his body heat warms my muscles  
I had tucked him into his PJs and snapped this pic of him  before  we had a bedtime cookie and a story . I tell him a story and he  is so cute. He lays his head across my tummy and listens to my every word....
He works as my service dog while he is here . He  brings me items i drop and need and walks quietly against my left side to support me ..He is a very special dog and belongs to a very special friend. :)
I have been looking for a German Shepard to train as a service dog for me...........So far the ones i have seen at the humane society have been too old and needing help of their own and very neurotic and unsafe around other animals or kids ..  I am thinking i am going to have to start looking for a younger one ...maybe 4 or 5 months old... It will be more of a challenge for me if i do physically ... but that will be ok too
Wanting a purebred Shepard on a limited budget is a bit of a problem. But i have faith in the Goddess and know I will find one when the time is right ....

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Learning to live again

I think i am finally learning to  listen to what the universe is trying to teach me ............

I have spent  over year and half now dealing with the pain and inability to do much at all with this degenerative joint disease I have ... Hmm... Degenerative joint disease..I dont want to define myself by this ugly name for what my body is dealing with .  I have let it totally rule my life as I have tried to simply deal with the inability of doing much of anything .. I am tired of living like this ..
If i cant walk but few steps at a time........... So be it . I dont have to let it rule my whole life and depress me to the point of tears every day .
I am taking back my soul of creativity that the physical body  has buried under layers of  tears and pain and "I cant Do's"   that my my hearts believes ...
I can still create.... i can lay on the couch with my legs iced and propped up and create............ I can pick up a pencil and a piece of paper and create .... I can bring forth that which has laid buried and barren ....that which cries to me in my dreams to "let it out to play " 
I can wear my braces and sit by the window and bead for short times .... crochet a few stitches off and on... make a spirit doll in small steps ...
Time to discover where I have hidden my soul and art away at .................

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It was a year of enlightenment and a time for me to slow down in my life and learn what is truly important.. It was a time to be thankful ..
I learned that is was OK to ask my friends for help as i had to learn to take each step at a time ..and those steps are still bit painful physical wise . For running countless errands and bringing me supper and all the many physical things I needed help with .
For sharing Mittens and Thatcher with me ...
I cried alot of tears and then I opened my eyes to the wonder of the small things in life that i had been passing by ...
I deepened my connection to the Goddess as i explored my spiritual path.
I thank all my friends for the feathers and yarns and books and beads that kept me creating even when life felt so "dark" and i was striving to keep creativity in my life.
I could not have made it this last year without you all ........... You are very much loved and appreciated

Friday, December 7, 2012

I needed some new winter hats.....since i was short on money but has lots of small yarn scraps I crocheted a couple of winter hats for myself. I like how bright and colorful the turquoise strip one is..

Thatcher and i had fun the other day making him a winter coat........ he picked the fabric out of my stash . Then we had to see if the fabric would go good with his pretty eyes :) . Then is pic of him showing off his stylish coat.He is such fun when he comes to visit

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It has been a long and hard year health wise ..........i have had to learn to accept limitations and that has been a struggle the whole way ...
My loved ones have been with me the whole way ........without them I could not have done this. I am slowly getting around now with the aid of three braces and a crutch and i have accepted it best I can that this is as "mobile " as i will be ....but it sure beats a wheelchair !!! 
Thank you all for putting up with my ups and downs and the many tears I have cried ...
I LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!   

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PIctures Of Thatcher when he comes to visit .........

Thatcher brings me much joy.......i have taught him to bring my braces to me and he picks up things i drop.......i so enjoy when he visits. He even models a hat or two that i crochet.......

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More LOL kitties

I love to start my day off with the LOL Cats. Here are a few that i have found recently ......

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reach For The Stars When Life Gets You Down .........

When life knocks you flat on your back......
Open your eyes
Above you are the stars 

I had forgotten how to reach for the stars when on my back...... now I am working hard to recover that skill.
Last night I created this spirit dancer from an Oak branch ........she is bending and reaching for the stars while balancing firmly on one foot. She is not letting life get her down and will continue to strive for the stars.

My new Look ...

After much pain and drama ( which is still unfolding concerning my job) I have my new foot /leg brace. 
Not pretty or elegant at all ..........BUT it allows me to get up and moving slowly  as long as i use my arm canes .

Saturday, December 17, 2011

LOL Cats

I gathered some of the LOL cats pics i really enjoy and put them together to share

Here are few more of the LOL kitties to enjoy :)