NO matter how much money you have ..you can always help out somewhere . Believe me..there are ALWAYS people in worse shape than you are. One can always donate their time if not a gift . I have worked in health care field for years now and the "old are truly forgotten " Call a nursing home close to you and see what you can do to help out . Call a local community center or church and say "hey.. i have 2 hands to help with.. can i help serve a meal or clean up" Love animals ?...even helping can be something as simple as putting scraps out for birds or a bowl of food and bowl of fresh unfrozen water out for a poor stray kitty that has no home. 

It is holiday time again and I enjoy creating gifts for others around this time. For several years now I have chosen to make and send gifts to Pine Ridge Reservation . This year has been bit of a challenge since I lost my job . Thank the goddess for a well stocked craft room and friends who like to barter with me and those who have just said "here .. I have these that need a home..create with them " :) Pine ridge has an on going need year round so if you cant help now ..maybe later in the year you can. There are always so many drives going on to help the children and elders . I plan to work this winter using up my small scraps and make barbie doll clothes that can be sent for later drives. Right now i am doing jewelry . I finished up the consignment order last night for the hispanic crosses so i will start work today on the new pledge for pine ridge I made. Take a moment and visit the web page for Pine Ridge and look at all that is going on right now. http://friendsofpineridgereservation.org/projects/2009_Christmas_Gifts_for_Little_Wound_School.shtml

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