I am working on wild horses today. These harlequin color ones are a mare and foal set. The foal is meant to be used as a pin cushion . They also can be used for decoration. they are not meant as a childs toy however.. If you are interested in purchasing they can be found in my etsy store .
I couldnt sleep last night and i finally gave up about 4 am. I got up and fixed a cuppa chai and finished a library book . I am in for the weekend ..Tuesday I will go out job hunting again.. This week was the same "if we need someone we will call you" ..and used up 2 tanks of gas on top of it.. The sun is out bright and it is to be a beautiful weekend . Mother nature is inspiring me to work with vibrant colors today...hence the "wild horses" ...

How FUN! Those horses are adorable! I love their button eyes! :) You make this stuff look easy - I can barely sew a button on :) Thanks for sharing.
I really like how unique your wild horses are! So bright and colorful!