Tuesday, November 3, 2009

thoughts of holidays ....

I had a great jog this morning.,,the air was cool and the sun peeking over the horizon was beautiful. Now tis dark and gloomy out ..typical November day. I am SO proud of me . Yesterday i did my first floor pushups..I made it to 9. My reward was one hershey caramel kiss.... it was SO good. I had been doing wall pushups for last several weeks and was time to step it up a notch. I can't describe how good i feel physically and emoptionally since losing almost 60 pounds . My energy level is way high...my creativity is brimming over with new ideas for jewelry designs and other items . One of my new ideas is advent calenders that are meant for the horse owning gal. Perfect for the barn or home. I just started on this one ..not sure how it will turn out yet. The idea is to add peppermints to the little pockets i will be creating that will be numbered... Dec. 24 and 25 will be on the actual horses themselves and will feature a piece of horse themed jewelry tucked in the pockets. The base is heavy upholstery fabric and the horse will have either embroidered or beaded bridles ..havent decided which yet. I am SO having fun with it. I have to keep it to where it will cost 25 or so to buy though.....

The finished piece will look alot more festive than the work in progress :P I figure i will make this one for a horse and riider.....then maybe one for a dog or cat owner. I am using fabric up i already have ..trying not to invest alot of "new" cash into projects right now . Here is my first gilted frame ...NOT acceptable at all to me.. But as a first frame i can deal with it. The idea is to be NO lines or crinkles. I havent figured out yet how to get in the crevices of the frame correctly either. I have a LONG way to go learning this . I will figure it out though.. One day i will look back and laugh at how this frame turned out...
These are some jade necklaces I made for a dear friend of mine's daughter . I think his daughters will like them :P I really like the freshwater pearls along with the jade in the designs.

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