Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This was my fav blue chenille sweater.......

It had gotten treadbare in parts and a stain on the collar i couldnt get out.........so it was time to recycle it into legwarmers and armwarmers . The purple sweater was in the same shape........actually i have 2 more sweaters i need to recycle also.....HMM?????  doesnt leave me but 2 sweaters if i do though ..Oh well ..I can always wear shirtshirts .....I will decide after I finish these all up.
That temp of 39 degree when I woke up this morning has me thinking "snuggly warmth" I also wear arm warmers in the winter, When i am working on jewelry designs I dont always like to wear bulky clothes........so I can wear a t-shirt and then slip my arm warmers on with them and I will stay nice and warm.
I have found out if I dont keep my joints all warm I will regret it .Which reminds me.I have to run to Save A Lot today and see if they have arnica flowers in the Mexican cooking section . If not I will have to order some online . I read an article on how Emu oil is to be really good on joint pain .It is rather pricey but I may get a small bottle if i can find it affordable and try it out .
The printed faux leather was a small handbag that I wore completely out. I was able to salvage these 2 pieces from it. I will turn into small pouches to carry cell phones in .


  1. Young Living Essential Oils has a blend that is god for pain..not sure what it's called ...but I am sure you could find it on their website.

  2. Hi Sus :) I will look at theirs . I make my own from infused oils and add to couple pounds of shea butter .Takes alot to get me thru winter :) I thought i had a bit left in freezer and went to look last night for it and didnt :(

  3. Those are so cute! Good luck on your arnica flowers.
