Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blog.....Chickens In The Road

I need to go get busy organizing my recipe book this morning .but i just had to go visit Suzanne's page for my "farm fix"and to print out some of the Farm Bell Recipes . This is my FAV blog of all that i follow. I can get lost for hours or more reading about the adventures of her animals and farm life.  If you want to brighten your day drop by for a visit


  1. I'll go take a look-see. Have fun organizing your recipe book!

  2. lol funny pic! Thanks for following me from the hop! I'm following back :o)

  3. Thanks Jenny :) I love the LOl kitties ..they brighten my day

  4. Hi Magaly.mailed your blog prize out this morning. I ended up curling up and reading all afternoon and got part of the recipes organized

  5. Oh you got me addicted to this one. She is so funny and I am still hoping to win the BBB! :)

  6. Oh you know what? You want to get traffic here, you could host one of the know she has a ton of people reading that blog trying to win that book.

  7. i think i am going to go with furnishing a prize if any of the blogs want to run a giveawy on thier site . I just dont get traffic to my blog like i need for giveaways
