Saturday, July 23, 2011

Couponing....Just Married With Coupons

I had to go in search of caffeine a minute ..I was wore out from work and slept 11 hours last night.I blame it all on the power going out after dinner and i laid down  for a "short" nap. I feel much better now :) 
Here is Saturdays couponing site ...........
Be sure to check out her "Blog Hop " page and her Coupon Database page ......I have been adding the couponing buttons to each site to the left sidebar of my blog just in cse you forget to bookmark the page


  1. Wow - yeah you have a lot of blogs over there now. It's looking so cute on here!

  2. I have been trying to put the grab it buttons of pones i really like so i can find them easier :)

  3. Angie.still think you have the best pic for the button !
