Monday, July 11, 2011

Redesigning a few pieces

This morning i took an old tarnished bracelet that i really liked and wrapped some copper tone wire around it. Turned out great. You cant tell it is tarnished at all . Then i took this hematite stone that i have worn for about 20 years .I added a little silver wire and a new chain and it is good for another 20 or more years :)Now i have to run errands and work in the yard . Tonight i may have time to create a few more designs . Nothing has been selling with money tight for everyone.........sooooooooooooo I think i will just make stuff for myself for a bit .works for me !!!!!!!!!!


  1. I second Lilac's notion, "You are so talented!" I wish I could make something like that. Your necklace looks powerful and absolutely beautiful.
