Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Couponing........... Frugal Invitation BLog

I have been trying to use coupons all i can last few months and i have found that i can save a bit off my weekly bill. I dont actually buy alot at the grocery as i grow a big garden and cook ..more than buy processed items. But every 50 cents saved here and there really adds up
I decided to start listing some of the  couponing blogs i have started following. I will be listing one  a day so you can go over and read thru them . Here is todays .........   


  1. Thanks for linking up on the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop and following my site! I am now a follower here! :)

  2. Following you back from the Wed. Blog Hop- Thanks for stopping by. I totally agree with you about every 50 cent helps. If I can save $20 a week that adds up to over $1,000! Every bit helps.

    I am looking forward to seeing all your jewelry and I love the garden!

  3. hi gals :) Added you also to the blog giveaway........drawing for winners is tonight

  4. my daughter is a good shopper. on her last grocery visit she did a stock-up on non=perishables & saved over a 100$.

  5. Hi! Thanks for linking up this week to Welcome Wednesday! I'm following you back!

    Have a great weekend!
