Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Helping others in need....Pine Ridge Reservation ....

ON MY SOAP BOX..SO TO SPEAK..It seems compassion for others is in short supply .We are all busy doing things for "us" and turning a blind eye to the "rest" . I am FIRM believer no matter how little money you have ...you can always help out another in need. If nothing else..think of it as good karma ! SO i hope that those that drop by my blog will take time out to help another person. Whether it is simply shoveling snow for a person who can not.....taking a few canned goods to a neighbor you know is out of work .... or even take your daily newspaper to a neighbor who maay love to read it and cant afford the subscription. instead of throwing it in the trash .
I am using up fabric scraps and yarns and making warm items to send to pine ridge. It isnt alot a month as i dont have a full time job at the moment .. and YES..I do make scarves and hats and sell also ..i depend on my interent sales to make bills... but i can send a small package every month as a gift to help others. It makes me happy to know that it might make a difference that someone will be a little warmer this winter. I am not typing this so people go...oh look.. she is patting herself on the back for doing this .... I am writing this to hopefully show you that even one item .. no matter how small can make a difference in a persons life. http://www.guardian.co.uk/global/2010/jan/11/native-americans-reservations-poverty-obama This is an interesting article on Pine Ridge Reservation and the poverty and misconceptions people have about it... This is the link that will show many ways to help out with a drive at Pine Ridge Reservation


1 comment:

  1. Bravo, Lisa!! You make some excellent points! I'm passing this blog post on to others ...
