Saturday, August 28, 2010

Baked Pumpkin ....

I woke up early to a beautiful morning ..... the cooler temps gave me a chance to bake some pumpkin slices with cinnamon...cloves...and brown sugar.They will taste great just like this or i can slice some kiwi and eat along with them. I did decide to save the white pumpkin seeds and dry them and plant come next Spring.  I wanted to take a picture of a patti pan squash too. I have had several people ask me what they are, I love to slice them thin and sautee with other veggies in olive oil and a bit of garlic .


  1. yum.. never have tried that but it sounds good.. I am so ready to roast some pumpkin seeds up. Fall can not come soon enough

  2. I am so ready for Fall this year too... Winter i can do without though :) I have bunch more pumpkins to roast up over the week . House will smell yummy !

  3. It is a beautiful morning! that roast pumpkin looks so yummy! can't wait to try some!

  4. Come over and will give ya some and a pumpkin to roast if ya like it :)

  5. That patti pan, do you have to peel it? I love fresh pumpkins, I have to find some recipes soon.

  6. I dopnt peel the patti pan..just slice it thin and stir fry. I find it replaces the texture of meat for me

  7. Hmmm, that's a good idea. Maybe next year the bunny will leave them alone and you can sell them instead of fudge. ;)
