WELL ..... what I had waiting on me at home was a good days work of putting the smaller summer garden area to rest and planting more on the little fall garden. I pulled up all the dead tomato plants and then chopped all the weeds out with the hoe and turned over all the dirt . It is all just SO bare and sad now. I did enjoy myself today working in the yard. I go barefoot when i can .......I love the feel of Mother Earth .Here ( pic below) is where i had some corn planted along with a cherry tomato plant. These plants sure climbed. Next year i want to get these same plants and I will put them out along the privacy fence. I had this one on the fence and it grew up it and then all down the back side of it also. Each cherry tomato plant has produced 100's of tomatoes this summer. I have radishes growing in the pots here in the smaller fall garden. Then today i put out green onion and more radish seeds in the ground. I did notice a rabbit this weekend so i am going to have to kill it .sorry.. no furry woodland creatures in the yard... I still have the really really big garden area left to do yet..... I had all the corn and white pumkins and heirloom tomatoes in that area . The pumpkin vines that were NOT planted under the corn have all died out. The cantalope and watermelons were a waste of garden space for me .wont do them next year. I will rasie more Patti Pan squash though...The squash bugs left it alone ..they killed instead the zuchini and yellow squash plants off . I did save the white pumpkins off the dead vines. I think they are big enough and can be cooked and frozen for breads and soup. That is a project for this weekend though .

I got summoned for two weeks of jury duty in June...I got to miss a week of work and only had to serve for a day!
ReplyDeleteI miss having a garden, that is so wonderful that you can cook with foods you grow yourself!
Wow - there's so much in this blog...I'm sorry for the bunny, but I understand. Mice can be cute until they poop all over the kitchen and then I'm telling my husband to go all Dracul on it (post a mouse outside as a warning to the other mice). You are using this food, it's not just a flower garden. Can you call animal control to move it?
ReplyDeleteanimal control doesnt do stuff like that here ,,I use to trap them and that got just too much. I could pull 60 or more critters out of garden in a summers time..
ReplyDeleteGeesh! They are like my mice. Good luck!