Saturday, August 21, 2010

Repurposing Rhinestone Pins

I have a really pretty rhinestone pin but it is broken ...I decided to take it apart and then repurpose into other jewelery designs . I use thin strips of faux leather and then sew the rhinestone piece to it. I fold the topof the leather strip over and sstitch so i have a small loop to use to add to necklaces or into a bracelet design .

It has been a mind numbing week and i havent had much chance to work on any jewelry designs till today . I plan on spending most of the weekend just relaxing in my craft room and nourishing my soul with my jewlery art.


  1. What a great idea! They are so gorgeous it's nice to give them a second life!

  2. I love those, reminds me of the costume jewelry I got from my great grandmother. Wish I still had some.
