Monday, October 4, 2010

A very lazy day......

I have enjoyed a quiet afternoon watching Babylon 5 :Crusade on dvd and making some pendants . I have 50 colored necklace cords i won on Ebay for very little coming from China.(Will be a few weeks ) When they get here I want to have the pendants all ready to string on them.
I still had a few of these stone skull heads to use up today also. So i made a few pairs of earrings up with them. The blue stripe beads  are a turquoise and jasper mix.


  1. Cool, that black design was lovely. If it looks better real then it's a knockout! Matching earrings for those cool skull necklaces.

    Yeah I know what you mean about Etsy. I have owed them $0.40 for over a year now. I listed a couple things and didn't get a hit. Seems cheaper than e-bay though. Hey, have you tried craigslist? If you do, use a old e-mail that you can access (or create a new one)because you will get some spam.

  2. Im not fond of Etsy either.. I think your stuff is too good for Etsy.. I really LOVE the little earrings. can't get enough of those simple little colored hooks
