Friday, October 1, 2010

Wire Wrap Bead Rings .........

I have been working on wire wrap bead rings last 2 days. I just love them. It is a good way to use up pretty beads and not need a bunch for a whole necklace . I will be selling these local to friends for right now......5 bucks each... I hope to order a sizing mandrell for rings next paycheck and then i can make different sizes and offer them for sale in the Etsy store...... These last 2 i am keeping for myself......ignore my rough hands...I am a woman who works with her hands and they aren't a pretty site :(


  1. Wow - those are great! And your hands aren't that bad, mine are worse and I crochet and care for kids all day, you'd think I'd find time for lotion...nope. :)

  2. I wish I could wire wrap, those are so cool!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE My ring!! Pics soon to come!!
