Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Unwinding with yarn..........

I have been playing with yarn last few days ..Bonne sent me some fun colors and textures in yarn . It brings out the "cat" in me....and since it is almost Halloween time........the perfect thing to crochet is witchy hats . I have another almost finished . I will probaly take it to work with me and finish on break today :) The harvest brown and  gold I am keeping and the other 2 are gifts for gals I work with :)


  1. These are sooo cute!! I want to make one too!

  2. thanks ! I love making them . I was using up scraps of yarn on these

  3. HI SUS ..i dont have a pattern.i freeform crochet them.......i can tell ya kinda how i do them. .i ch 4 and then slip stitch together ,, ......then 6 triple crochets in it and join ..this makes the tip... i just go down from there .. i add couple stitches each round ......when it gets to as big as i want .for the brim i make 2 triples in each loop so the brim will ruffle..maybe 3 to 5 rows depending on how i want it to be.then take the trim yard and slip st around and tie off. I really dont have a pattern and i add and subtract if i want the top part to look bent and off balance like a witch hat

  4. Hi Lisa, I am visiting from Mrs. B's 31 days of Halloween. What a great blog! You are so talented and creative, and I look forward to reading more of your posts. I am a new follower, too. Come visit my blog sometime!

  5. Nice hats, I like the way the brim is fringy.

    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  6. Wow, I really love these! Thanks for participating in Mrs B's giveaway, so we'd have the opportunity to come see your creations!

  7. I just so love your work! Thank you for sponsoring Mrs. B's 31 days and sharing your creativity with us!

  8. here from mrs b's blog - hope all is well with you...love your projects

  9. gorgeous necklace you are giving away on Mrs. Bs.. maybe next year one of those wonderful knitted hats? blessings

  10. Thank you sooo much for the instructions..... I am hoping a friend will whip one up for me!

  11. Came by way of Mrs. B's. Love those hats you crocheted and appreciate you posting your instructions. I'm with you on the skipping winter to go straight to spring wishes. The older I get the harder it is to deal with LOL Bright blessings! Dianne in UT

  12. Oh wow, these are amazing! Cheers to the lucky girls you're giving them to =)
