Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I miss my garden .......

Today was beautiful so i spent several hours cleaning up the garden areas.I SO miss my garden .....not only cause it was green and pretty but i miss just going out in the backyard and picking what i was going to cook for the day.
The food had such a better taste than what the grocery carries. I dont shop the farmers market cause to be frank .......the prices they charge are WAY beyond what i can afford.The garden has been dried since middle of August . The heat and drought situation killed it off month and half before it should have .  I did water at first but it just did no good and plants still died. I lost about 200 strawberry plants from july to august. Next Spring I will  have to replant. The patti pan squash and the corn did really well up to July .... will plant more of them next spring also.......


  1. You put lots of hard work into that garden.. and I get YUMMY leftovers!!

  2. the energy was much nicer in the yard when i was done..much more restful

  3. I miss your garden too. Beautiful pictures and I've never seen a patti pan squash.
